On Tap Tuesday:8-21-12

On Tap Tuesday is where I tell you what is on tap for me reading wise for the week.

I most recently read: Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. I’m unsure if I will write a review about this now or wait until after our book group discusses it. It was my first Vonnegut read and I’m definitely going to check out more.

What I’m currently reading: The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson and The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

I haven’t gotten very far into The Power of Habit yet but it definitely seemed interesting to me. The Girl Who Played with Fire was a slow start for me but it’s picked up and is now taking most of my attention.

So what’s on tap for you guys this week?

On Tap Tuesdays 1-10-12 and I Think I Have a Problem

Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday. On Tap Tuesdays are my weekly posts about what I plan on reading for the week.


On Tap for this week:


The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman –  This is the first book I’m reading off my list for the 2012 TBR Challenge! 

Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman – I have this in audiobook form and I haven’t been able to get into it yet, I may end up switching to an ebook  for this one.


As for my problem. I was listening to a book podcast the other day and realized something. I really don’t have a favorite author anymore. I don’t have that author that I immediately want to have their book that’s newly published. The only thing that has came close lately is wanting a book that is next in a series because I enjoy the series, not exactly the author. Anyone else have that problem? Who is/are your favorite author(s)?

I haven’t always been this way, I did have a favorite author or two a few years ago, but after several disappointments they have fell out of favor with me. Maybe I need to go on a reading adventures to find new favorites?

On Tap Tuesday 1-3-12

Hello everyone! Time to settle back into our routines after the holiday chaos. Every Tuesday I post what books I plan to read during that week.

On tap for me this week:

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell   ( I am really loving this one so far, it’s funny and quirky)

Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman ( I am doing this one in audiobook form, I haven’t really gotten into it yet)

Eragon by Christopher Paolini ( This one will probably be more of a longer term background read for me. I am re-reading it so I can remember everything for the last book in the series that I got for Christmas)


So what’s on tap for you guys this week?

On Tap Tuesday 12-13-11/Mini Review

Hello everyone! How’s everyone doing with the holidays quickly approaching? I know that I totally over committed myself and still have presents to make. Wish me luck!


So on tap for this week:

I’m going to really dive into The Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier. Read a few pages of this already and it looks to be interesting.

Going to hopefully finish up Packing for Mars by Mary Roach while I do some Christmas crafting.


Mini Review:

I finished Storm Front by Jim Butcher this morning. I’m definitely going to read more books in this series (most of which is conveniently sitting on my bookshelf thanks to the fiancee) .

This is Jim Butcher’s first book in his Harry Dresden series. Harry Dresden is a slightly down on his luck wizard who advertises his service in a private investigator manner. This is no way a lucrative business for him. He struggles to pay the bills and fields frequent prank calls and the occasional are you serious questions to his proclaimed wizardry. He supplements his income from a few consulting jobs from the police. Our story opens with him getting a call from a potential costumer setting up a meeting for later in the day and then immediately getting a call for a police consultation. Being hard up for money Dresden accepts both and is put on a time crunch to fulfill both obligations. He heads to the crime scene to do his police consultation and finds a gruesome murder scene. Obviously done with magic, but to figure out how, he will have to delve into some black magic that could get him in to more trouble than it’s worth. After a mishap on his rush back to his office to get to his second meeting on time ( I’ll let you find that out on your own) he meets with a wife who wants Dresden to find her missing husband. Not really Dresden’s thing, but she’s willing to pay money up front, she seems a bit cautious and knowledgeable about wizards, so maybe there is something there.


This is pretty much the opening to our story. It continues with everything that is possible to go wrong does. You kind of have to feel sorry for Dresden he can’t seem to catch a break. I really enjoyed seeing two of my favorite genres, who done it mystery and fantasy, mixed together. This isn’t your psychic medium finding clues to the murder. This is spells, fairies, trolls, etc. causing havoc in the normal world and Dresden is just trying to control it. A quick read and definitely worth a try if you are interested in crime and fantasy.


On Tap Tuesday 12-6-11

So I had grand plans for today. I woke up to a rainy dreary day and I thought: Perfect day for reading and knitting! I really wanted to try to finish Storm Front by Jim Butcher before I wrote my post. I’m loving that book so much! I’m thrilled I have 5 or 6 more books from the series waiting for me on the shelf!


So did any of that get done? No. The dog escaped from the fenced in yard yet again, had to go find him and then spent the next hour or so moving is lead around trying to find the optimal place to place him in the fence and away from escape places. Then I found a job I wanted to apply for (I’m currently job searching) so I spent half an hour writing the cover letter and then an hour and a half fussing with the printer because it was printing all streaks. Lovely.


So what’s on tap for this week?

I would love to finish Storm Front by Jim Butcher.

I just started listening to Packing for Mars by Mary Roach Narrated by Sandra Burr.

If I finish Storm Front I will work on Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese and then maybe pick The Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier back up.


This doesn’t seem to be a good reading season for me so far, especially since I got the bright idea to knit presents for most of the people on my list. Please stop me next year if I decide to do that again, okay? Hope everyone else’s reading is going better than mine. Send me reading mojo!

On Tap Tuesday 11-29-11

So what’s on tap for me this week? I still have the two books from Thankfully Reading Weekend to work on: Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese and Storm Front by Jim Butcher. I think I should have Storm Front finished later this week or beginning of next week, but Cutting for Stone will probably be a longer term read with its 600 pages.

I’ve also been slowly listening to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on audio. It’s interesting, but I usually only set aside about an hour every few days to to listen to it, so it’s taking me a long while to get through it. I’m like that with audiobooks, this is only my second one I’ve listened to, but I can never seem to make myself just sit down and listen to a book.

I really want to get into some narrative non-fiction but I don’t know what to pick up. I’ve really been wanting to find some more local eating/sustainable eating books. I’ve read Animal, Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and loved it! It’s one of my favorite books of all time and I recommend it to anyone who will listen. I’ve also read most of the books by Michael Pollen, Food Matters by Mark Bittman, and Plenty: One Man, One Woman and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally by Alisa Smith. So those are out. Any suggestions?

Hope everyone is off to a good start on their week and is recovering from their food comas nicely!

On Tap 11-23-11

I missed my On Tap Tuesday yesterday but wanted to make up for it today.

I finished Zone One by Colson Whitehead(http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780385528078/colson-whitehead/zone-one) yesterday. Good book, with interesting concept, not your typical zombie apocalypse novel. So last night I started Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780375714368/abraham-verghese/cutting-stone). Should be right up my alley with the medical side of things and I’ve heard great things about it.

As for what’s on tap…..I’m honestly not sure. I have books on my shelf that I go I want to read that, but not right now. I really want something kind of fun and uplifting after reading Zone One. So I’m putting the question out there: What else should I pick up this week?  I’m thinking I might want two or three books to rotate through for Thankfully Reading Weekend this weekend so give me your suggestions. And go ahead and throw me your suggestions and check out Thankfully Reading weekend details here http://www.jennsbookshelves.com/2011/11/12/thankfully-reading-weekend-2011-edition/ and don’t forget to check out the #thankfulreading hashtag this weekend on twitter!

On Tap Tuesdays October 25

I’ve decided that Tuesdays are going to my on tap posts. What does that mean? Well it means that I’m going to use every Tuesday to tell you what I’m reading and plan to read for the week!

I’m currently working on The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon (http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780312282998). Really loving this book! A great sweeping look at New York in the late 30s  and early 40s from the view of two Jewish comic book writers. Even though it has been out for a while I think I’m definitely going to do a review, because I think everyone should read this book.

Also in the middle of an audiobook that I picked out for a long trip to a wedding last weekend. Had to find something that both I and the fiancee would like, so I picked up The Tangle Box by Terry Brooks (http://www.indiebound.org/book/9781423350392) at first I wasn’t sure if I liked the narrator but as we got further into the book and he did different voices for the characters it really made you immerse yourself in the land of Landover.

Hopefully I’ll get these two finished up soon. I really find myself wanting to savor The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay and not rush through it. I have some other books in the stacks that I need to get to soon though. What’s on tap for you this week?

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