On Tap Tuesday: 9-9-14

On Tap Tuesday is where I tell you what’s on tap for me for this week reading wise.


Most Recently Finished: I finished a couple of books last week: Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins is one I did on audiobook. Had a lot of things I love: young adult, supernatural and set in a prep school/dormitory setting. A tad predictable but overall pretty good and quick read. Stitches by David Small was my first graphic novel memoir. I feel like I’m still processing this book. It’s true that you can do things with graphic novels that you can’t in other books. They truly can evoke emotions with images that you can’t do with just words. Really starting to love the form. The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero I ended up picking up from the library because of the cover. Yes I admit it, I judge books by the cover. I’m glad this one caught my attention. The story is told through journal entries, descriptions of video footage and audio recordings. I’m  bit of a sucker for stories told in odd styles. This story also has one of those quirky interesting characters ala Lisbeth Salander from the Stieg Larson books. I think it’d be an excellent October read. 

What I’m Currently Reading: The Good Luck of Right Now by Mathew Quick is currently on my nightstand. The Noble Hustle by Colson Whitehead is going to be my work audiobook.


So what’s on tap for you guys?

Finding Time for Reading and Branching Out

Obviously, I haven’t blogged in quite a while. I’ve found it hard to balance reading time with working, crafting and trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Here lately I seem to have been getting into a bit of a better groove. I won’t say I’ve gotten it figure out but I’m working on it. A while back I decided I didn’t read enough to warrant me blogging about it but this evening I decided who cares how much I read or if I post about a book every week? I want to talk about books with other book lovers and if someone wants to criticize me for not blogging enough that’s up to them.

So I have been making a concentrated effort the past month or two to read more graphic novels. Time for me to branch out and try new things. It has been a form I have avoided in the past and I am quickly learning that was a mistake. Not all graphic novels are about superheroes! Although I admit I have been enjoying some Batman graphic novels. I’ve found that great artwork and good stories can be found in the pages.

So far I have tried The Pretenders (The Cemetary Girl Triology) by Charlaine Harris, Sailor Twain: Or Ther Mermaid on The Hudson by Mark Seigel, and Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley. Seconds was by far my favorite of the three. I loved the art style and the story drew me in. It had a wonderful old folk tale vibe to it and I stayed up late to finish it in one sitting.

That’s what I’ve been reading lately. I’m currently reading The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero. Still early on in the book but loving it so far. What have you all been up to? Feel free to let me know some of your graphic novel favorites to check out.

I Am Employed Again!

Hi everyone! Hope you have had lovely weeks and have enjoyed lots of reading!

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, I have great news. I’m employed again! I started this past week training to be a sanitarian for a county health department. What is a sanitarian you may ask? Basically it’s what you think of when you think of a health inspector. It will take me two years to become  a full sanitarian, but during that time I will be working and training and receiving a salary. As time passes I will be allowed to do more and more on my own. 

So in the past week I haven’t done much reading. I’m still trying to adjust to the job and then next week I have  week long training where I will be away from home. 

I was able to squeeze a few minutes in on reading The Lincoln Conspiracy by Timothy L. O’Brien. Full Disclosure: I received this book from Random House as part of a giveaway and twitter chat with the author in promotion for the book. I really love this book and the twitter chat with the author was great. I was fun to talk with and gave some great insights on the book and some of the characters he enjoyed including. Great part is that we also learned it is part of a planned series. Definitely check this book out if you are into historical fiction and mystery/thrillers. I get excited every time a new historical figure I recognize shows up! Will hopefully be putting up a full review of this when I get finished. 

I plan on taking my Nook with me on my week long training. I’m not sure how much reading or free time I will get since there are tests involved with the training. My hope is to at least start and hopefully make head way on reading Carrie by Stephen King. It’s my book club’s pick for this month. 

So how’s everyone else’s week been? Any exciting news or great reads?

Book Review: Spells and Stitches by Barbara Bretton

I really needed a light, fun read for a pick me up with all the downs I’ve had in my life the past few weeks. I didn’t feel like doing anything, much less reading. Spells and Stitches by Barbara Bretton definitely did the trick and I’m hoping I’m out of my reading funk.

Spells and Stitches by Barbara Bretton is the fourth installment in her Sugar Maple series. Her sugar maple series follows Chloe Hobbs, half human half sorceress in training who owns a knitting shop in a rural town called Sugar Maple. To most of the world, Sugar Maple is a picturesque mountain town, to the magical world it is the safe haven for vampires, werewolves and other magical creatures. It’s Chloe’s job to maintain that safe haven by being the conduit that keeps the town under protection through spells cast long ago by her ancestors. As I’ve said in the beginning of this post, this is the fourth book in the series, so if you don’t want to be spoiled you may want to read the others first and then come back.

In Spells and Stitches we are following Chloe again through a major life change. Chloe and Luke are expecting their first child. They’ve been through a lot in the past year. Finding each other, almost being torn apart, and lets not forget that ordeal with Luke’s ex and his dead daughter. Everything seems to be going haywire with Chloe, from her hormones to her magical abilities thanks to the child who’s due in less than a month. Add on top of it that an unexpected visit from Luke’s very human family and you can see how this can be nothing but trouble. Oh and there’s a troll who’s living with them that keeps on spouting nothing but doom and gloom to come. Every expectant mother’s dream right?

Barbara Bretton has managed to weave another wonderful magic tale in her latest book. It’s fun and action packed and knitters will be left smirking from the knitting references spread through out the book. This book did exactly what I wanted it to do, it was a quick fun read that picked up my spirits. So if you like cozy mysteries, mixed with fantasy, mixed with a lot of knitting references this series might be the quick light read that you need.


Those not familiar with the knitting world may get annoyed with the frequent knitting commentary and role your eyes in its silliness, but know that we knitters are a quirky bunch. There’s also a helpful dictionary at the end of the book to explain terms, along with a few knitting patterns and recipes.


Happy reading everyone! 

My Late ArmchairBEA Wrap Up


I may be a little late with my ArmchairBEA wrap up but I took a break from blogging to try to deal with life issues. I mentioned before that I’ll be losing my job at the end of the month due to budget cuts and I’m having some tough decisions to make about whether to continue searching for a job or to go back to school and try to get into medical school. I’m still not entirely sure what I’m going to do, but for now I’m applying for jobs and checking out classes and what I would need to do for medical school. So blogging and reading haven’t been top priorities lately.

Now on to Armchair BEA! This was my first time participating and I’m so glad I took the plunge! I met so many awesome people. The introductory posts were a great way to meet people and see who had similar interests. The twitter parties were hilarious and fun. I learned a lot from fellow bloggers and got to make a few good connections, even if the twitter parties were a bit hectic. The Best of 2012 posts and BEA interest posts added tons of books to my TBR pile. 

I think all in all it was a fun and exciting week. It also made more confident as a blogger and made me realize that I didn’t need to get too hard on myself about how much I post or how many books I get read in a week. I think it’s more important that I have fun doing it and do what I set out to do: Find other bookish people to talk to about books!


Hope you all have a great week! 

Why I Wish People Would Realize Bookstore Build Communities

So, I’m probably preaching to the choir for most people that would find their way to this blog, but I feel that most people don’t understand how brick and mortar book stores build better communities. 

I started thinking about this when at my local indie a few weeks ago. I’d stopped in on my day off, browsed the shelves and picked up a few goodies. I was the only one in the shop so as I was checking out the clerk and I chatted. We talked about the book she was reading, world book night, and the lack of book stores in the area. Then she asked what I did for a living. I told her about the program I work for (it can be found in my previous post from back when I started) and she started talking to me about her health and where she could get services. 

I can think of few other places where I would feel comfortable talking to someone on such a varied range of topics and I started to think, where in this digital age do people really gather to converse about the community, health topics and the like? I guess some still fall back on churches and other groups, but I think society overlooks the wonderful gathering place that is the bookstore. A place where people with differing views, interests and hobbies can gather together to discuss topics, the community and possibly give each other some helpful information. 

So really what am I saying here? Probably nothing earth shattering, just that I wish people realized what a valuable asset a local bookstore can be to a community. Definitely a value worth preserving. 

WWW Wednesday (hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading)


WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Miz Biz at Should be reading. She can be found here


What are you reading?

The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman (my first read for the 2012 TBR Pile Challenge)

What did you recently finish reading?

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell   A really fun and quick read. My review can be found  here

What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m torn between Room by Emma Donnoghue or The Snowman by Jo Nesbo

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone has full bellies and has enjoyed time with friends and loved ones. Definitely had a great day here! Now I’m just planning out my Thankfully Reading Weekend books and my shopping adventure for tomorrow.

As far as my book choices go, I think I’m going to rotate between Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese, The Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier, and Storm Front by Jim Butcher. I think that’s good variety and who knows, one might suck me in and dominate my time, but I wanted to have a few on standby.

I’m planning on heading out to a few stores this weekend, but the one I’m most excited about is heading out the new local bookstore on Saturday. They are participating in their first Small Business Saturday and offering 25% off their entire selection of books. Awesome! And on top of that they are doing a coffee tasting, taste up to five of their coffee flavors for $3. Should be fun and I hope that they have a large turnout!

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