Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Bookjourney’s Harry Potter Re-Read

I actually thought I’d written my post already, but whoops, apparently I just made it up in my head.

This is the first complete book in the series I hadn’t read before. Kind of interesting considering this was my favorite movie of the series. After reading the books, I’m kind of surprised it was my favorite movie, because I don’t know how I understood half of the things going on. I think I just kind of let my mind glide over the side things and story parts that didn’t make sense to me and focused on the parts I liked about competing for the cup.

I feel that Ron is more developed in the books than he ever gets in the movies. Starting in this book you really start to see how he struggles with his identity, being tied to a family with little money which troubles his mind while yet being friends with one of the most famous wizards of their time. It’s hard to really carve out your place in the world when your stuck in Harry’s shadow.

Hermonie is starting to come into her own in this book. Starting to gain more confidence and going about whatever she feels is right, even though the boys do hurt her feelings a bit with the whole dance thing.

While the last book had me feeling that Harry was really starting to live up to the wizard every one thinks he is, this book had me questioning it again. I don’t think Harry would have made it past any of the tasks without the tremendous amounts of help he had. There were times I felt like he wasn’t even trying and I was wondering if he really expected everyone to carry him along. It had me screaming a bit on the inside. Yes, I know he was younger than all the other participants but I hardly felt like he put forth the effort of researching or trying to find the answers at times.

So did this book have you screaming at Harry? Who were your favorites of this book?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -Bookjourney’s Harry Potter Re-Read

So I finally finished book 3. I know, I’m late but I got distracted with holiday stuff.

This is the book that I stopped midway through and hadn’t finished the rest of the series. With this one I’m finding that there is so much about the story that I’ve overlooked or not been sure about from the movies that I’m not seeing much more clearly with the books. I had previously been slightly confused by the Sirius Black back story and his time at Hogwarts. The book did a much better job of helping me understand that party of the backstory.

Also, I’m back on Hermione’s side again. I felt so bad for her in this book! The boys were so mean to her when she was just looking out for them. And what I wouldn’t give for a time turner! I think I would have been just like Hermione at Hogwarts, trying to cram in as many subjects as possible.

I want a whole book about Snape! His backstory, his side of things during the series and what he does after the time period in the books. I’m so confused about his motives from what I know from this book versus what I know from the movies. It really makes me want to know what’s going on in his head.

So from this point forward the books are complete uncharted territory for me. I’m excited because I saw with this book how many of the smaller details of the story that I had been missing. So glad I decided to take up the books again!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Book Journey’s Harry Potter Re-Read

Hello everyone! Is everyone getting into the holiday spirit? I have to admit there is something about winter time and Christmas that makes me think about Harry Potter.

I just finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and as before, I don’t feel the need to review the book for you. I’m just going to give my ideas and thoughts about my read through this time. After book 3 I will be venturing into the books that I haven’t read yet so I’m really looking forward to that!

Anyway, I think the thing I realized most this time and something that I seem to not have thought about before is how in this book we really start to see how Harry is struggling with who he is. Is it possible that he has dark power? Is he destined to become a dark wizard? Not knowing his magical background and having this tie since an infant to Voldemort surely causes confusion. Especially coming into a world of people who have known your name and thought you were a great wizard way before you even knew that magic was real.

Rowling did a great job of mixing coming of age and trying to grasp with who you really are with an action packed and magical story. It’s no wonder these books are the phenomenon that they are.

I’m finding it interesting that one of the characters I love, Hermione, I am finding that I am really disliking after these first two books. I’ve read the first two before and somehow overlooked how patronizing and the “I am better than everyone” attitude she has. I think it really struck home with how she wanted to avoid Myrtle so much in this book. Really hoping she can redeem herself later, although I’m now wanting to go watch the movies again to see if I realize she was the same in them and grew into a better character as the story progressed.

Anyone else in the re-read or who have read the books several times find yourself disliking characters you loved or finding out that one you thought was horrible wasn’t so bad?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Book Journey’s Harry Potter Re-Read

I finished book one of the series last night. Rather than give a review, because I feel like everyone definitely knows what this book is about by now, I thought I would give my thoughts on what I noticed with my first re-read through the book.

Have you ever noticed once you pick up a new hobby you suddenly see it in books, movies or shows that you otherwise didn’t notice it in before? That was definitely happening with me in this book. I picked up knitting in between the time I read this book last and I let a little squeal each time it popped up in the book. I of course could not have forgotten the Weasley sweaters but I forgot about Hagrid knitting on the train.

I suddenly have a new favorite character as well. I had somehow overlooked Professor McGonagall previously. I love her sass and how she deals with the students in the first book. I like to believe that if I had ever become a teacher I would have been like her.

The first book does an excellent job of setting up the atmosphere of Hogwarts and an introduction to some of the characters. I’m looking forward to completing the series this time through. Also feeling inspired to do some Harry Potter knits.

Start Up Post for the Harry Potter Re-Read hosted by Book Journey

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. I handed out some healthy treats at the local trunk or treat and then hung out with friends. Today I’m trying to stay warm from the suddenly fall almost winter temperatures that have came to our mountains but I wanted to make sure I made a post a about Book Journey’s Harry Potter Re-Read.

I will admit that I didn’t attempt to read the Harry Potter books until after most of the movies were out. I know that I’ve definitely made it through the first two books and I’m a little unsure if I finished the third. That’s why when I heard about Book Journey’s Harry Potter Re-Read which you can also read about here, I knew it would be a great time for me to jump back in and finish the series. Plus signing up for a house and competing sounds like tons of fun too. Although I will totally admit I’m scared about trying to finish the books on that time line!

Harry Potter Re-Read Hufflepuff

So by Book Journey’s description of what year are you, I’m going to a be a 2nd Year and from the sorting hat quiz I’ve been assorted to Hufflepuff. Go check out the info about Book Journey’s Harry Potter Re-Read and join us for the fun!

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