Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Book Journey’s Harry Potter Re-Read

Hello everyone! Is everyone getting into the holiday spirit? I have to admit there is something about winter time and Christmas that makes me think about Harry Potter.

I just finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and as before, I don’t feel the need to review the book for you. I’m just going to give my ideas and thoughts about my read through this time. After book 3 I will be venturing into the books that I haven’t read yet so I’m really looking forward to that!

Anyway, I think the thing I realized most this time and something that I seem to not have thought about before is how in this book we really start to see how Harry is struggling with who he is. Is it possible that he has dark power? Is he destined to become a dark wizard? Not knowing his magical background and having this tie since an infant to Voldemort surely causes confusion. Especially coming into a world of people who have known your name and thought you were a great wizard way before you even knew that magic was real.

Rowling did a great job of mixing coming of age and trying to grasp with who you really are with an action packed and magical story. It’s no wonder these books are the phenomenon that they are.

I’m finding it interesting that one of the characters I love, Hermione, I am finding that I am really disliking after these first two books. I’ve read the first two before and somehow overlooked how patronizing and the “I am better than everyone” attitude she has. I think it really struck home with how she wanted to avoid Myrtle so much in this book. Really hoping she can redeem herself later, although I’m now wanting to go watch the movies again to see if I realize she was the same in them and grew into a better character as the story progressed.

Anyone else in the re-read or who have read the books several times find yourself disliking characters you loved or finding out that one you thought was horrible wasn’t so bad?

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